Discover the miracle of PSMA-PET scans. PSMA-PET Scan Radioactive Imaging is the cutting edge in detecting cancer. This video features world-class doctors and researchers discussing this amazing cancer detecting scan. Featuring Thomas Hope, MD, Kenneth J. Pienta, MD, and Neil H. Bander, MD.
PSM. A imaging is a essence of molecular imaging technique, where we find ways to image the presence of this molecule on tumor cells and molecules. PS mayor Prostate specific membrane. An urgent three idea is toe label in a way that it lights up on imaging so that we can distinguish tissue that has PSM express on it from tissue that doesn't. And that scan is the most sensitive way to find prostate cancer in the world. Right now, you can find any prostate cancer, almost any prostate cancer if it's bigger than a BB in size. And so if we put an imaging agent on there on an image, the patient after that, we can see very sensitively and very specifically where their sights of prostate cancer is it limited to the prostate. Eyes it in the bone. Is it in the lymph nodes on? That gives us the ability to design a treatment approach for that specific patient, depending on on his his specific circumstances. So one way to think about it is if you're in a room and, uh, you try to find a match in a room with the lights on, you can't find it because the room is very large and matches small. But you turn the lights out and light the match. It's very easy to find that match. So the idea here is that we're gonna find a way to light your cancer. So it lights up on an imaging technique so that compared to the rest of the room or the rest of the body, we know exactly where it iss. Why is image important in prostate cancer? We know they have cancer. That's growing because we can measure in their blood, right? We have something called a P S A. If the P S a starts rising, we know you have a current cancer. The problem really is we don't know where it ISS and without knowing where your cancer is, we don't know how to treat it. We can't do surgery, we can't do external beam radiation therapy and we're in the dark. And when you don't know where it is, you end up getting systemic therapies which oftentimes have a lot of associate toxicities. The Prostate Cancer Foundation focuses on things that will impact patients, and that's the driving force. And they collaborate with companies with academia with researchers with private organizations to try to enact things that they believe will cause a change in the way pants patients are treated. And I think that's really a unique thing about the Prostate Cancer Foundation.