Chapters Transcript Video Patient’s Vision Restored After Removal of Pituitary Adenoma This is a case of a 58 year old man presented with progressive visual loss and headaches and to have a large either assisted between Terry Macro adenoma or colonial foreign drama. You can see an upper displacement of the optic chasm and erosion of the posterior clients. We decided to do an endoscopic Indonesia approach. We started by drilling the floor of the seller, thinning out the bone and exposing the base of the tumor. The door was then open, exposing this fairly solid. We first took a biopsy and then first remove the upper cystic component that was heavily classified after removal of that tumor assist. We started doing an extra capital of the section started by the right side and the segmented from the wall of the right cavernous sinus. We performed sequentially and extra capital of the section, followed by a Peace Medal removal of the will then turn our attention to the superior edge of deletion. They second the tumor from the diagram of the cella, which is the very thin memory that can see on the top part of the field. The tumor was carefully dissected from it, avoiding CSF leak and the tumor was progressively removed from the taylor cavity. This is us dissecting the right cabinet sign as well, finding humor and the most superior and dorsal aspect of the humourous. He can see if you can clearly see the edge of the legion and he can smoothly dissected from all the surrounding tissue. We continue with this traction and counter traction um techniques until we could clearly see that all the diaphragm was descended and the entire relation was removed. We completed that gross total removal of the tumor and then closed the surgery in a multi layer fashion with a nasal septal club. This is a positive memory, showing a complete removal of the tumor with repositioning of the pituitary stock, a nicely enhancing nasal septal flood and fully decompressed optic apparatus here with normal looking between terry stock and reposition pituitary gland. The patient did very well after surgery with a normal neurological exam and an improved vision. Published Created by