Meniscus: Intrasubstance Tear
Nicholas Colyvas, MD, presents a case study of 28-year-old hiker and cyclist who sustained an intrasubstance tear in her medial meniscus.Medial Meniscus Root Tear with Bone Fragment: Repair Technique
Nicholas Colyvas, MD, presents the arthroscopic repair technique for a 36-year-old male police officer with a medial meniscus root tear with a bone fragment.How to Do a Knee Injection
Carlin Senter, MD, and Elizabeth Marshall, MD, discuss how to properly perform a knee injection, focusing on the supplies needed and the proper anatomic landmarks, including a discussion of both the anterior and lateral joint lines approaches for injection.Approach to the Older Patient with Spinal Disorders: Surgery
Shane Burch, MD, MS, FRCSC, discusses surgical approaches for patients with spinal disorders including the various options to achieve decompression and realignment, stabilizing the patient and obtaining a fusion. The rationales behind these choices are also discussed.Approach to the Older Patient with Spinal Disorders: Diagnosis
Shane Burch, MD, MS, FRCSC, presents case examples of older patients with spinal disorders and focuses on approaches that are integral at arriving at an accurate diagnosis: patient history, physical examination and imaging, including X-ray, CT and MRI.